In order to obtain efficient work results, it is YONAR’s Quality Management Systems policy to establish systems and to maintain continuous improvement, and within the sense of responsibility to satisfy our stakeholders' current and future expectations with the targeted results. Further to comply with the laws relating to the environment, health and safety and to develop preventive systems through determining any kind of danger.
YONAR's Quality Management System which based on the principles of minimal bureaucracy and documentation, allows quick decision making and implementation. These features are achieved and successfully integrated into the quality management system by utilizing the site-based management and process approach which includes:
- Understanding current and future customer needs, meeting with customer requirements and striving to exceed customer expectations,
- Leadership to establish unity of purpose and direction to create and maintain the internal environment in which YONAR employees can become fully involved in achieving the company's objectives,
- YONAR members, at all levels, are the essence of YONAR organization and their full involvement enables the usage of their abilities for YONAR’s quality achievement,
- Management of activities and related resources as a whole process to achieve the desired results more efficiently,
- Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system which contributes to the YONAR’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving YONAR’s quality objectives,
- Continuous improvement of YONAR’s overall performance as a permanent objective of YONAR organization,
- Effective decisions based on the analysis of data and information, and
- Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers to create value.
ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System is used as an important tool for the continuous assurance and improvement of YONAR’s Quality Management System.
YONAR ISO 9001:2000 certificate
Our Core Principles:
We have adhered to the below stated principles since our foundation, and we will adhere to these in the future in order to fulfill our mission.
- Not to compromise general and professional ethics,
- Always to adopt a constructive attitude towards our clients, customers and partners, beyond the mere fulfillment of our contractual duties,
- To be receptive to innovations, to implement state of the art technologies and always to seek the better,
- To be sensitive and cautious in matters of work safety and environmental protection,
- To train our young employees in accordance with our culture to be creative, industrious and honest and to take care that our employees work as individuals who are self confident, communicative, ready to exercise powers vested in them and to assume responsibility,
- To seek our competitive advantage and profit in perfection of our own management and technical skills.